100% Integrated Digital Marketing Strategy
We all know that nowadays retailers must take care of their digital marketing activities in order to attract new customers and keep their business growing! And if they don’t, their competitors will.
Consult the Industry Report and see how you compare with other garden centers.
Our digital marketing services will support you in your effort to promote your garden center on the web, to keep regular contact with your on-line community and to set yourself apart from your competition. We have the technology and the expertise to take care of all your digital marketing activities, for a fraction of what it would cost you to do it internally.
Don’t you prefer to have your gardening experts spend their time servicing in-store customers rather than writing content for Facebook posts or programing the upcoming newsletters?
Let’s face this digital marketing challenge together!
Our services can be purchased separately or as product bundles at a better price. Not only will combining services save you money, but it will also have a greater impact on your community and your bottom line.
Centralizing your on-line activities in the one place will save you time and money. At Horticulture.biz, not only do we have the expertise and the technology to manage your digital marketing activities, but we are specialized in the horticultural industry and have created a lot of content specially designed to stimulate your customers’ interest in your products and services.
INbound-CRM Software
All of our clients will automatically get a FREE account in our INbound-CRM software. CRM is short for Customer Relationship Management.
Our CRM software solution is the place where you will find all of your subscribers’ information (actual and potential clients), and statistics on your newsletter subscriptions and publication activities.
Plus, if you subscribe to our Newsletter Program, your INbound-CRM account will give you access to all the newsletter content that you will be able to modify yourself if you wish.
In order to support you, we will provide you with dedicated training to teach you how to easily use our CRM software and get the most out of it. We are there to help you!
Content Marketing Services – Annual or Monthly Subscriptions (6-month minimum)
Marketing content creation, gardening themes and weekly ads to be shared with your community through integrated platforms and digital channels:
Facebook Posts Creation and Management $ 39 / week
Newsletter Program $ 39 / week
Info-Flyer $ 39 / week
Website Carousel $ 39 / week
Buy 2 services and save 10% (-$406)*
Buy 3 services and save 15% (-$914)*
Buy 4 services and save 20% (-$1,617)*
*With a 11year contract
On-time Digital Marketing Services
Website Creation (transactional or not) $1,800
Google Business Profile & 360° Photos & Video* $850
(Google MyBusiness)
*For the 360° Photos & Video service, some geographical restrictions may apply.
iPad Stand & Software $349
Product-Flyer Creation
Service includes graphic design,
programming and posting $150 / page
+ Content
Turnkey solution includes content (texts & photos),
graphic design, programming and posting $250 / page
Digital Advertising Programs
Google AdWords buying program Price on demand
Facebook advertising buying program Price on demand
Retargeting advertising program Price on demand